Winery in the vineyard
This winery opened in November 2018. Kikuka wine brands made from wine grape varieties like Chardonnay and Merlot have been gaining popularity as they won awards at competitions in Japan and overseas in recent years. The wines are sold at the winery shop, which has a bar where visitors try the wines with a tasting glass to find a bottle to their liking. There are also souvenir and sweet shops selling local specialties from Kikuchi and Yamaga districts, a restaurant serving local vegetables, café and other eateries, and drivers can enjoy their stay without drinking alcohol.
- Address
- 〒861-0412
526 Kikukamachi-Aira, Yamaga City
- Telephone
- 0968-41-8166
- Access
- Business hours
- 10:00〜17:00
- Regular holiday
- First and third Tuesdays